Out In The Field: Services Beyond Surveillance
We don’t just hide out in our cars and watch people! One common assumption about field investigators is that they mainly observe and follow the subjects of their insurance defense or infidelity investigations. However, we have successfully handled other field assignments, including photographing the scene of an accident or knocking on doors to confirm an […]
Are They Really *THAT* Injured?
It’s midyear, and everyone wants to be out and about, living their best lives. The transition from spring to summer presents the best opportunity for surveillance to capture plaintiffs, claimants, and other individuals doing what they allege they cannot do. The Crossroads team is well-versed in surveillance for insurance defense purposes, and our past efforts […]
Modern-Day Surveillance: It’s Not Just for Cheaters
Crossroads Investigations’ team holds decades of field experience, government experience, and experience gathering objective evidence to support clients in legal proceedings. A common misconception or presumption is that the bulk of surveillance is done for infidelity purposes; however, our team is equipped to carry out quality surveillance for many possible scenarios, including, but not limited […]
Quality Surveillance Investigations
When you hear the word surveillance, you might imagine an investigator in dark clothing sitting in an unmarked vehicle with tinted windows and a video camera in hand, eagerly awaiting activity from a subject. However, surveillance is much more than that. Surveillance is an art that requires attentiveness, critical thinking, and patience. It also requires a […]
Co-Parenting Social Distancing Investigations
Parenting is hard, co-parenting is even harder! Parents are responsible not just for keeping themselves safe but keeping their kids safe as well, especially in the age of COVID-19: no more play dates, no parks, no unnecessary human interaction at all. So, what does this mean when divorced parents have co-sharing obligations? What happens if […]
Surveillance in the Divorce Process
Divorce can be a difficult time for anyone, but it’s also the most important time to be prepared. Don’t let your judgment be clouded, get ready to do what’s right in the long run. Oftentimes, there are children and finances involved, so it’s best to be ready and prepare your case. Surveillance is key in […]
Insurance Defense & Workers Comp Investigations
Surveillance is key in both Insurance Defense and Workers Compensation claims. But how can we make the results that much better? By combining it with Social Media Due Diligence. Pairing the two means double the chance of success. Is your claimant hiding out in their home but posting workout videos online? Or perhaps their social […]
So You Want Surveillance Records?
4 things to consider when deciding to hire someone to do surveillance work.
What Should You Do If You’re Being Followed?
What should you do if you think you’re being followed on the road? Hopefully this will never happen to you, but if it does, keep these three simple instructions in mind. 1 — Determine where the nearest police station is, and drive directly there. Don’t try to ‘lose’ your surveillant — doing so will only […]
When Should You Utilize Surveillance?
When Should You Utilize Surveillance? by Marc Hurwitz Have you ever wondered when and why you should utilize surveillance? When I tell people I’m a private investigator, often times their first question is if we do a lot of surveillance of cheating spouses. While we do have an expert surveillance team headed by a former FBI special […]