Common COVID-19 Scams

It’s a sad reality that scammers are seizing this opportunity to make a quick buck, but they are, and we need to be extra cautious! So, what kinds of scams have we been seeing during the COVID19 pandemic? Four main ones come to mind.  1. Hoax text message and robocall campaigns …Offering free home testing kits […]

Co-Parenting Social Distancing Investigations

Parenting is hard, co-parenting is even harder! Parents are responsible not just for keeping themselves safe but keeping their kids safe as well, especially in the age of COVID-19: no more play dates, no parks, no unnecessary human interaction at all. So, what does this mean when divorced parents have co-sharing obligations? What happens if […]

Business Interruption Insurance Defense Investigations

The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating on small businesses across the country.  One recourse some businesses are attempting is to seek relief via business interruption clauses in their general liability insurance policies. However, most insurance companies have included exemptions for pandemics as it relates to business interruption. This has not stopped class action suits from […]

Investigating Nursing Homes For Coronavirus Deaths

To society’s chagrin, many of the current coronavirus deaths are happening in nursing homes (assisted living facilities). There’s a variety of factors causing this, most notable being that senior citizens are amongst the most vulnerable in our society.   We have received queries from attorneys and families of deceased loved ones who died of Coronavirus […]

COVID-19 Contact Tracing

One of the critical tools state, county and city governments will be using to fight COVID-19 is Contact Tracing – the method of tracing and monitoring the contacts of infected people.  Private Investigators are well-suited for this type of work because it involves two methods well-practiced in our industry: 1. Skip Tracing – This term […]

Investigations in the Age of Coronavirus

First, we hope that all of our friends and clients are taking the necessary precautions in the face of the global Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. We have been following progressions closely and are following the best practices and corporate guidance as directed by the Centers for Disease Control. While some of our business protocols will need to […]

Legal Employee and Tenant Background Reports

When you’re ready to hire an employee or lease to a tenant, be sure to use a Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)-compliant background report so that you remain compliant with federal laws. An FCRA report means that the candidate must sign their consent, and they have the right to see the report used to make […]

Background Reports: How Deep is Deep?

One of our most popular products at Crossroads Investigations is our National Deep Background Report, which we sometimes call a hard asset report.  This is a great thumbnail sketch of a person or company.  The best part is we can turn this around in one business day.   The report includes such items as nationwide criminal arrests, properties, […]

Surveillance Essentials

Surveillance is one of the most common services people think of when private investigation comes to mind.  It should come as no surprise that the Crossroads Investigations surveillance team is very busy!   Surveillance is best used when there is a specific place and time where and when you believe the subject may be engaging […]

Nothing Spells Romance Like a Background Report

At Crossroads, we believe nothing spells ROMANCE like a comprehensive background check on your special love interest! If something doesn’t quite add up, let us dig for you – the subject will not know and we can turn the report around in under 24 hours. The nationwide report includes arrests, liens, bankruptcies, judgments, foreclosures, evictions, properties, vehicles, businesses and […]

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