Hiring a private investigator, or PI for short, can be a daunting task. I’ll be the first to admit that the private investigation industry sometimes has a ‘less than stellar’ reputation. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find an upstanding, ethical PI. Doing your research can make all the difference in the world!
What is their experience and their qualifications?
Ideally, your private investigator will have relevant experience, preferably in government and/or law enforcement. A bonus would be an advanced degree to give you the confidence that you’re getting the best in both field and analytical experience. Are they a Board Accredited Investigator, which requires rigorous qualifications?
Do they communicate well?
When you’re presented with information, you want it put in context, well-sourced, and presented in an easily understandable format. The best way to get a sense of this is to evaluate how they communicate with you from the onset. Are they professional and clear?
Are they empathetic and to do they explain what’s possible?
Make sure the investigator understands your requirements and explains how their capabilities can realistically, legally and ethically meet them. Does the investigator take into account your financial resources to best match your needs to the best financially-viable options.
What is their reputation?
Ask around! A great private investigator will be well-connected to the local business and legal communities. Additionally, their overall online reputation on Yelp and Google should be positive.
Are they professional?
Check the investigation agency’s website for professionalism and testimonials. Is the website trying to teach you how to do some of the investigating yourself to save you some time and money? Is the information clear, concise and easy to find?
Are they licensed and insured?
Most states, including Florida, strictly regulate the private investigation industry. A licensed private investigator must be connected to a licensed private investigation agency — they cannot freelance on their own. Before hiring a PI, check which licenses they posses against the requirements of the state they practice in. Likewise, make sure your PI carries liability insurance.
If you have any questions, or want to talk out your situation, feel free to reach out to us via info@beec406c-45f1-11e7-85bc-2afed310ad69.app.getshifter.io or calling (305) 929-3513!